Global Missions
As our world becomes smaller, SPC finds ways to do God’s work in other places outside of our community.
Shelby Presbyterian Church has a sister church, Monte los Olivos, in Guatemala. Members of our church helped them with a water purification system and continue to support them through prayer.
This church regularly sends a mission team, which includes SPC members who are doctors, nurses, pharmacists, teens, (and anyone willing to work hard) to the Dominican Republic.
SPC supports financially and through prayers, several missions throughout the world including the Guatemalan Partnership, and missionaries in Kenya-Tenwick, Taiwan, Malawi, and the Caribbean.
SPC provides financial and spiritual support for agencies and organizations both regionally and internationally. The Presbytery of Western North Carolina and the Black Mountain Home for Children, Youth and Family are two within our state.
Local Missions and Programs
SPC has long been a leader in developing programs that address identified local needs. Many of those programs are still administered by this church, while others have become so large, that local agencies have stepped in to help. SPC maintains strong ties to all of these programs and encourages members to find one to support.
Boy Scouts Troop in Cleveland County
Sponsored the first Boy Scouts Troop in Cleveland County (founded in 1923 and still one of the most active and successful troops in the state.) Fred Blackley is the contact person. Troop 100 meets on Monday nights at 7:00.
Girl Scout Brownie Troop 20032
SPC sponsors Girl Scout Troop 20032. The troop leader is Jennifer Ormond and Bree Kinmon. They typically meet the first and third Fridays of the month at 6:30 p.m.
Food Ministry
Founded by SPC in 1985, the Food Ministry provides free breakfast, lunch, and food distribution in Ellis Hall every Monday. Workers are always grateful for volunteers. Contact the church office if you would like to help.
Join us at 9:30 for coffee and pastries, 11:00 a.m. for food distribution, and 11:45 a.m. for a hot lunch.
Community Refrigerator
Our Community Refrigerator, located diagonally across from the Rainbow playground, is an additional resource for individuals and families in our community who are food insecure. The fridge contents are available to anyone at any time of day. We hope to extend hospitality to those most often overlooked by the world.
Add items to the fridge whenever it is convenient or volunteer for a specific date to be a Community Refrigerator steward: Questions? Email
Feeding Kids Cleveland County
Donations support the Feeding Kids Cleveland County Weekend Food Program and the School Break Food and Book Box Home Delivery Program.
Men's Winter Night Shelter
SPC established the first Men’s Winter Night Shelter in 1985 and continues to support it. The shelter recently expanded to a newer, larger private facility.
American Red Cross Blood Drive
Sponsors and coordinates a bi-monthly American Red Cross Blood Drive. Blood drives are held the third Tuesday in the months of February, April, June, August, October, and December from 1:30-6:00 p.m. in Ellis Hall. Contact Elizabeth Schweppe if you would like to make an appointment to donate or help on the day of the drive by providing snacks and/or man the hospitality table. Follow us on social media for updates!
The Rainbow Connection
Operates The Rainbow Connection child-care program, Monday-Thursday, 9:00-1:00, during the public school year. In addition, a summer program is also offered. Contact at 704-487-7075 for more information.
Backpack Ministry
Each fall, The Backpack Ministry provides school supplies and backpacks for local school-age children. New items are donated, organized, and distributed by church members to those in need.
Additional Support
Shelby Presbyterian Church hosts and supports many community non-profit organizations such as Alcoholics Anonymous and Presbyterian Counseling Center and helps to financially support many other local ministries, including The Life Enrichment Center, Abuse Prevention (Women,) Cleveland County Rescue Mission (Men’s Shelter,) Greater Cleveland County Baptist Association, and Ryburn Memorial Church, Feeding Kids Cleveland County, and Habitat for Humanity to name a few.
AA and Al Anon
AA meets at SPC in the Fellowship Hall on Monday and Thursday at 8 p.m.
Al Anon meets on Thursdays at 8 p.m. in the Back Parlor.
Missions Supported by SPC

Rev. Dr. John McCall
John supports pastors of the Presbyterian Church of Taiwan (PCT) in a country where only 3 percent of the population is Christian. Outreach in Taiwan can be challenging, and the possibility of burnout is high.
In groups, John and the pastors pray, read Scripture, and dream. They encourage each other to be faithful and visionary leaders. John also works with the native Taiwanese (aboriginals) who have been most open to the gospel, but also the most marginalized people on the island. In addition, John teaches at all three seminaries of the PCT and leads conferences for youth and young adults.

Established in 1937 and located in Bomet County, Tenwek Hospital is the Medical Ministry of the Africa Gospel Church in collaboration with the World Gospel Mission. We are a 361 bed capacity, Level 6(b), Teaching and Referral Mission Hospital which serves the needs of the vast South West region of Kenya and the country at large.
Tenwek Hospital is a Christian community that seeks to exemplify Christ in all aspects of what we do and we strongly believe that We Treat but Jesus ultimately Heals! We provide compassionate and affordable health care services centered on quality and Christ mindedness.