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Music Ministries

People of all abilities and ages are welcome to participate in our musical groups.

Chancel Choir

Chancel Choir, directed by Dr. Bruce Moser, leads worship at our 10:00 a.m. traditional service. The Chancel Choir performs traditional pieces weekly and special music services during the Advent season.  The choir practices on Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m. in the choir room.


For information about the 2024 Christmas Cantata, click here


SPC Handbell Choir

The handbell choir is directed by Emily Monroe. SPC is fortunate to have 6 octaves of Malmark handbells and hand chimes.  We rehearse weekly on Sunday mornings at 11:15 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. after the worship service. The seasons for rehearsal are September-December and January-April.  The handbell choir plays in worship during the Lenten/Easter season and the Advent season. General music reading is required for this group.  


Children's Music

SPC's Children and Music Ministries work together in offering groups for preschoolers and children up through the fifth grade on Wednesday nights from September through early May. In these groups, children engage with stories from the Bible using Godly Play, mission and service opportunities, and music. Children lead in worship through singing, playing Kids Play colored handbells, and creative movement several times during the academic year. We believe these groups are significant in guiding the children in their growing understanding of faith and learning to be true worshipers of God. The sessions are fun and energetic. All children are welcome to join us!


The SPC Organ

Prior to 1970, the church had used pianos and electric organs for worship services. By the late 60's church members decided it would be good for our church to have a pipe organ. A few church members donated money for a pipe organ which was built in 1970 by the Zimmer Organ Company. By 2017, the 47-year-old organ needed major repairs. Church members suggested that we could also at that time consider updates that would make it more versatile. It was evident from the response to a fundraising campaign that many church members still believe that the organ, in spite of the use of piano and other instruments for some music, should remain an integral part of our services at Shelby Presbyterian. A beautifully renovated organ was built in 2018 by the Cornel Zimmer Organ Builders. 


Learn more about the organ.


226 East Graham St.
PO Box 1444
Shelby, NC 28151-1444
Phone: 704-487-8503
Fax: 704-487-8504

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